To celebrate 70th anniversary of China National Day, CCCB will hold a table tennis ”National Day Challenge Cup” competition on the 29th September 2019 (Sunday 9am – 12 pm), aiming to enrich the well being of the community and let everyone enjoy the fun of table tennis. Welcome to register.

The form of the match is point based competition between two teams. All players will be divided into two teams, classified according to the technical level, the two teams of the same level players will compete to obtain points, and the team with the highest score will win.


为庆祝祖国70周年华诞,中心将在本月29日(星期天 9am – 12pm)举办乒乓球‘‘国庆挑战杯’’比赛,旨在丰富社区文化生活,让大家享受乒乓球运动带来的乐趣 , 欢迎踊跃报名参加。

比赛形式为积分对抗赛, 即所以选手将被分为两队, 按照技术水平进行分类, 两队同级别选手进行比赛获取积分,最终积分最高的一队获胜。


Update 3.10.19

Here’s what happened at the Table Tennis Challenge Cup last sunday. Thank you to all that have join us and see you in the future one!
