The Chinese Community Centre – Birmingham is introducing a new activity in September, our Jianzi Club. Jianzi shuttlecock kicking is a Chinese traditional national sport that is over 2000 years old. 

The shuttlecock generally has four colourful feathers that are attached into the rubber sole or plastic discs. The aim is to keep the shuttlecock in the air as long as possible by using any of your body parts except for your hands in a group play. You’ll learn the rules for group and individual play at the club.

Take the opportunity to learn and play this traditional sport in September, Saturdays 1pm – 3pm. We welcome kids and adults, but kids must be accompanied by an adult. No need to book, just turn up at our Bradford St premises.


伯明翰华人社区中心将于9月份推出一项新的健身活动,踢毽子俱乐部。 踢毽子是中华民族的一项传统体育项目,具有2000多年历史。

毽子通常用四根彩色羽毛,将羽毛固定到橡胶或塑料底座中。 团体毽子对踢的规则比较灵活,除了不可以直接用手之外,可以使用任何身体部位踢或接触毽子,并尽可能长时间保持在空中不落地。 在我们的毽子俱乐部里,您将学到如何踢毽子, 以及团体和个人踢毽子的规则。

欢迎有兴趣的朋友抓住机会报名参加,毽子俱乐部从9月开始,每周六下午1点至3点在伯明翰华人社区中心举行。 我们欢迎儿童和成人都来参加,但儿童须有成人陪同,无需预约。


Date/时间:Saturday (1pm – 3pm) /星期六(下午1点至3点)
Fee/费用:£2 for members / £3 for non members 会员£2/非会员£3