Our events calendar is constantly being updated. Please check back regularly for new events, or subscribe digitally to our calendar below and see new events as they’re added from your own device.
Chung Ying Restaurant is bringing back its free luncheon for Chinese elders (60+). This special monthly meal is a tribute to the contribution our elders have made to society during their lives. CCC-B is organising the booking system. Places for each luncheon are limited to 30, and allocated on a strict first come, first served basis. Places will be rotated so that all elders have an opportunity to attend.
The Elders Luncheon will take place on Wednesday 5th February. Open to CCC-B Members only.
Call Chloe to book 0121 685 8510 Mon – Thur, 10am – 4pm. Please quote your Membership number when you book.