Chinese Community Challenge Cup 2019 
By working together with The Frank Soo Foundation, CCC-B successfully supported The Chinese Community Challenge Cup 2019 Midlands (CCC Cup) 5-a-side football on 23rd June and the final Super Cup on 7th July in Birmingham. CCC Cup is an annual charity football tournament designed to promoting Chinese and East Asian culture through sport and raise both funds and awareness for the charities. In the two events CCCB has raised over £500 which will be used to oranigse community well-being activities and tournaments with the aim of reduce isolation and loneliness. 

通过与Frank Soo 基金会合作,中心于6月23日在伯明翰成功协办了2019年华人社区挑战杯5人制足球中部赛区的比赛,和7月7日举行的超级杯总决赛。华人社区挑战杯 (CCC Cup)是一个全英年度慈善足球锦标赛,旨在通过体育促进中西文化交流,并为慈善机构筹集资金和宣传。

CCC Cup 2019 Midlands 
8 Teams including over 64 players took part in the competition in CCC Cup 2019 Midlands with total of 138 goals scored. More than 50 audience and volunteers took part or supported the games.  The Midlands winner is from Genting Chinatown Team One.
有超过64名球员,8支球队参加了2019年华人社区挑战杯5人制足球中部赛区的比赛,球员们一共打进138个进球。有超过50名的观众和志愿者参与或支持了当天的比赛。挑战杯中部赛区的冠军来自云顶唐人街一队(Genting Chinatown Team One)。  
CCC Cup 2019 Super Cup 
Best of the best, the top 6 regional teams from London, Midlands and Manchester competed against each other in one ultimate Super Cup! There are total of 111 goals scored between 6 teams. 2019 Super Cup winner is Tabard FC.  

7月7日 ,来自英国各分赛区(包括伦敦、伯明翰和曼彻斯特)成绩最好的6支球队向超级杯总冠军发起了冲击,比赛竞争异常激烈!6支球队共打进111个进球,最终来自伦敦的Tabard FC 球队问鼎2019年超级杯总冠军。