Move to Covid-19 Plan B

The Prime Minister has now confirmed that England is moving to Plan B following the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the UK. To protect us, a new set of restrictions has been introduced.

1. Face coverings

Face coverings are now required:

  • In most public indoor venues unless you are eating, drinking (hospitality) or exercising (gyms)
  • On public transport

Face coverings are recommended:

  • In outside spaces that are crowded


2. Work from home


3. NHS COVID-19 Pass and Testing

From 15 December, you will need a negative rapid test (LFD test) or proof of full vaccination via the NHS COVID-19 App in the following settings:

  • All nightclubs
  • Indoors with 500+ people (e.g. music venues/ large receptions)
  • Outdoors with 4,000+ people (e.g. outdoor festivals)
  • Anywhere with 10,000+ people (e.g. sports stadiums)

Testing and isolation

  • Stay home. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild, stay at home and take a PCR test. You must stay at home until you either have a negative result
  • Isolate. You must self-isolate for 10 days – irrespective of your vaccination status or age – if you have been in contact with someone who may have the Omicron variant. You will be contacted by NHS Test and Trace.
  • Test regularly. Take a rapid test (LFD test) if you are going to be in a crowded space or before visiting people who are at higher risk of severe illness if they get COVID-19.

In addition to the above restrictions, you may also consider:

  • Respiratory hygiene
  • Hand washing
  • Maintain distance when with people you don’t normally spend time with
  • Ventilation

CCC-B’s scheduled activities will still run as we have put Covid-safety measures in place. All visitors will be temperature-checked on arrival, must sign in and give contact info for Test & Trace purposes, and observe our rules for everyone’s safety including their own.



新冠疫情新闻快讯: 20211210


随着 Omicron “奥密克戎变异株在英国的迅速传播,英国首相已经确认防疫进入B 计划。为了更好的保护公众,以下是最新的防疫规定。


1. 佩戴口罩


  • 在大多数公共室内场所,除非您正在餐饮场所用餐或在健身场所健身
  • 所有公共交通工具上


  • 在拥挤的室外空间


2. 居家工作


3. NHS 新冠通行证和新冠检测

12 15 日起,您在进入以下场所时,必须提供新冠快速检测阴性结果或

NHS 新冠应用程序上,完全接种疫苗的证明

  • 所有夜总会
  • 超过 500 人的室内(例如音乐场所/大型招待会)
  • 超过 4,000 人的户外活动(例如户外节日庆典)
  • 任何超过 10,000 人以上的场所(例如体育场)


  • 如果您出现任何新冠症状,无论症状多么轻微,请留在家中,并进行新冠 PCR核酸检测。 您必须待在家中,直到您得到核酸检测的阴性结果
  • 隔离:如果您可能是奥密克戎变异株被感染人士的密切接触者,您必须自我隔离 10 无论您的疫苗接种状态或年龄如何。 NHS检测与追踪部门将与您联系。
  • 定期检测:如果您要去人群拥挤的地方或去探访新冠高风险人士之前,请进行新冠快速检测。


  • 保持良好的呼吸道卫生习惯
  • 勤洗手
  • 与不熟悉的人士保持社交距离
  • 房间经常通风

伯明翰华人社区中心已经采取了新冠防护安全措施,现有计划的活动仍将进行。 所有访客将在到达时需要接受体温检查,并需要提供联系信息,以便检测和追踪。 当您在中心期间,请遵守防疫的规定,以确保您自己和他人的安全。