Join us as we hold our first Christmas celebration since 2020.
There will be games led by our volunteers, dance performances by Wan Sheung Chinese Cultural Dance Group, and we will officially ‘launch’ our new indoor mural – ‘From Far East to West Midlands ~ Our Shared Journey’.
The mural was made possible by a grant from Heart of England Community Foundation. HoECF CEO Tina Costello will attend as a special guest along with the artist.
Places are limited – they will be allocated on a strict first come, first served basis, only to paid-up CCC-B Members.
To book seats: drop in or call Chloe on 0121 685 8510, Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 3:30pm. Please have your CCC-B Membership number.

Please note: a television crew may be filming for BBC WM Today. By attending, we deem you to have given your consent to being filmed and photographed.

誠摯的邀請您和我們一起慶祝自 2020 年疫情以來的第一次聖誕節慶祝活動。
慶祝活動包括志願者組織的遊戲,雲裳舞蹈組的舞蹈表演,以及我們將正式“啟動”中心禮堂壁畫——“從遠東到伯明翰 ~ 我們的共同旅程”。
這幅壁畫是由英格蘭之心社區基金會HoECF資助,其首席執行官 Tina Costello 將作為特邀嘉賓與藝術家一同出席。
報名預訂座位:週一至週五上午 9 點半至下午 3 點半,您可以來中心報名或致電葉姑娘報名0121 685 8510。報名時,請提供您的中心會員號。

請注意:當天的活動可能會有BBC WM Today的電視工作人員錄影。所有報名參加的人士,我們會默認您已經同意許可被拍攝和拍照。