I: Mobile test centre in Chinatown
We helped organise the mobile testing unit that opened in Southside this week. Originally planned to be in the Arcadian, it was moved to the area outside the Hippodrome. It is there until Sunday 31st January.
Note that you should pre-book – there is no guarantee you will get a test if you turn up without an appointment.
Details on the flyer below.
II: Vaccination invitation letter to people aged 70
People aged 70+ should receive a letter or call inviting them to book an appointment for the Covid-19 vaccination. The letter may come from their GP or the National Booking System.
Birmingham & Solihull CCG have created a website to provide information and answer questions –
We have taken information from various local Public Health and NHS sources and put key points here:
- You can choose whether to have your vaccination at Millenium Point or your GP surgery
- The Government has ordered 3 vaccines: Pfizer, AstraZeneca (‘Oxford’ vaccine), and Moderna
- You cannot choose which vaccine you get
- Vaccination is not compulsory but the NHS and Public Health bodies encourage you to have it
All vaccines work by introducing genetic material from the virus into your body. Your body’s immune system learns to recognise the genetic code and develops antibodies. If you catch the virus, your antibodies will fight it. If you catch the virus naturally you could become extremely ill, you could even die or be left with long term effects. The vaccine protects you from this. Covid-19 will be defeated by more people having the jab as fewer people will become ill with the virus.
- The vaccine will help prevent illness but it is not known whether it prevents transmission
- This means that even after having your jab, you must continue to observe Hands ● Face ● Space
- In order to be offered the vaccine, you must be registered with a GP
- When you go for your vaccine, you must take your vaccination letter – you will need your NHS number
- The Mass Vaccination Centre states that people must not take anyone with them except carers if they’re needed for medical reasons. Interpreters are provided at the centres
- You will be required to say ‘I consent to the vaccination’
- Even if you had Covid, you should still have the jab as it is not yet known how long naturally acquired antibodies last
- All vaccinations are done by appointment only. Do not call your GP to book – you will receive a letter or a phone call when it is your turn.
Although the vaccination is being rolled out, groups 1 & 2 are still top priority.
III: Covid Catch-Up with Dr Justin Varney
Birmingham Director of Public Health Dr Justin Varney will be giving the city’s Chinese community the latest information on testing, vaccinations and everything else you need to know about Covid-19 on Thursday 4th February, at 7:30pm – 9pm
Call Chloe on 0121 685 8510 to book your place at this online meeting.
IV: Travel
From Monday 18th January travellers arriving in the UK are required to have had negative test result within 72 hours of travelling. All ‘travel corridors’ were suspended until at least 15th February – everyone must quarantine for 10 days after arrival.
V: Daily cases
Check the number of cases in your local area here: http://ukcovid19.nw.r.appspot.com/
The growth rate in Birmingham is currently 1.5
每周疫情快讯: 2021年1月22日
I: 中国城新冠病毒快速检测中心
伯明翰华人社区中心协助伯明翰市政府在中国城设立了移动新冠快速检测站, 地点原本计划设立在Arcadian小广场,现在改到Hippodrome影院门口, 检测站将开放到1月31日星期日
请注意,您需要提前预约检测 – 如果您没有预约,不能保证您将被给予检测。
II: 70岁以上的人士新冠疫苗接种邀请信
70岁以上的人士将收到电话或一封信,邀请他们预约接种新冠疫苗。 这封信是由您的家庭医生或国家医疗注册系统寄出。
- 您可以选择在Millenium Point接种中心进行疫苗接种,或是在您家庭医生诊所接种。
- 政府订购了3种新冠疫苗:辉瑞,AstraZeneca(“牛津”疫苗)和Moderna
- 您不可以自己选择接种哪一种疫苗。
- 新冠疫苗接种并非强制性,但NHS和公共卫生机构鼓励您接种疫苗。
- 新冠疫苗有助于预防新冠肺炎,但尚不知道是否可以预防传播病毒。
- 这意味着在接种完新冠疫苗以后,您仍然需要继续保持 勤洗手 ●戴口罩 ● 保持社交距离
- 为了确保您能获得疫苗,您必须在您的家庭医生诊所注册 。
- 在您前去接种新冠疫苗时,您必须携带疫苗接种的邀请信,并提供您的NHS号码。
- 如果您选择去大规模疫苗接种中心,除了因医疗原因需要陪护人员或照料者陪同以外,您不可以带其他任何人进入接种中心,中心将提供口译工作人员。
- 接种疫苗前您,您将被要求说出“我同意接种新冠疫苗”。
- 即使您已经感染了新冠肺炎,您仍应当接种疫苗,因为尚不知道自然免疫获得的抗体能持续多久。
- 所有疫苗接种均由系统预约安排。 请勿致电您的家庭医生。当轮到您接种时,您会收到家庭医生的信或电话。
III:贾斯汀·瓦尼(Justin Varney)博士在线疫情发布会:
伯明翰公共衛生部總監賈斯汀•瓦尼(Justin Varney)博士將於2月4日(星期四)晚上7:30分至9点, 在线为伯明翰华人社区介绍有关新冠检测,疫苗接种,以及其他民众须知的最新信息。
欢迎致电0121 685 8510 叶姑娘,报名预订。
V: 每日新冠数据
点击链接查看您所在区域的新冠数据 http://ukcovid19.nw.r.appspot.com/