Weekly Update:  11th Sept 2020

  • Attention! From Tuesday 15th September, people living in Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull may not make social calls to other people in their homes.  You may still enter people’s homes to provide care, and you may still keep support bubbles. Read here
  • Social gatherings of more than six people will be illegal in England from Monday 14th September, as the Government seeks to curb the rise in coronavirus cases.

It will apply to gatherings indoors and outdoors – including private homes, as well as parks, pubs and restaurants.

The new 6 person maximum restrictions will not apply to schools, workplaces or Covid-secure weddings, funerals and organised team sports.

It will be enforced through a £100 fine if people fail to comply, doubling on each offence up to a maximum of £3,200.

  • Social premises and venues, including pubs and restaurants, will be legally required to request test and trace information from customers and keep the details for 21 days. Previously, they were advised to do so, but now it’s an official new law.

Businesses can be fined if they take reservations of more than six, do not enforce social distancing or do not take customers’ contact details.

  • Birmingham hospitals are back on high alert after a dramatic surge in patients with coronavirus, currently with 68 undergoing treatment. 

Dr David Rosser, chief executive at University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB), said, “We have seen hospital admissions double in a week and I expect it to double in the next week again – it’s an exponential curve. We are in the foothills of that curve.”

Read the full story

  • Birmingham’s German Christmas Market has been cancelled for 2020. 

Organisers of the attraction have confirmed that the popular festive event will not take place this year, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.  

  • Additional coronavirus restrictions for Birmingham are now “looking likely” according to West Midlands Regional Mayor Andy Street. He also says that there has been a “very notable increase in Birmingham and Solihull” infection rates in the last few days.

No decision has yet been made, but Andy Street stated it appears to be “very much concentrated in the younger age groups” and is likely to be “as a result of socialising and household contact.”

  • Birmingham City Council has posted on Twitter to welcome university students coming to Birmingham’s five Universities, but reminding students to help keep Birmingham safe. Everyone has a part to play in following Covid guidelines. 
  • Councillor Ian Ward has said that there have been over 800 reports so far of businesses not adhering to COVID-19 guidelines, and all have been or are being responded to by Birmingham Environmental Health and West Midlands Police.

He stated, ‘we must all play our part to keep our family, friends and neighbours safe.’

  • Public Health England has published a new blog: Mental health and wellbeing in the time of coronavirus – tracking the impact

Find out more about the new COVID19 mental health and wellbeing surveillance report and the data it includes

  • Every Mind Matters has released new, practical tips and advice to help look after the mental wellbeing of children and young people. 

Visit Every Mind Matters to learn more


  • 请注意! 从9月15日星期二开始,伯明翰,桑德韦尔(Sandwell)和索利哈尔(Solihull)区的居民不可以去他人家里做社交探访;但可以继续去他人家中以提供照料和护理,也可以继续你的“社交泡泡” 阅读全文
  • 从9月14日星期一起,在英格兰超过6人的社交聚会将是非法的,因为政府正在努力遏制新冠病毒病例的增升。




  • 社交场所包括酒吧和餐厅在内,将有法律责任要求顾客为“测试和追踪”提供资料,并将这些个人资料保存21天。过去这项要求只是建议施行,现在正式成为法律要求。


  • 伯明翰的医院在新冠病感染者急剧上升后, 重新进入高度戒备状态,目前有68名患者正在接受治疗。

伯明翰大学医院(UHB, University Hospitals Birmingham)首席执行官大卫·罗瑟博士(Dr David Rosser)说,「 我们已经看到一周内入院人数翻了一番,我预计下周还会翻番 – 这是一条指数曲线。我们正面临着即将上升的指数曲线」。请点击:阅读整个故事

  • 伯明翰2020年的德国圣诞集市被取消了。


  • 西米德兰兹郡市长安迪·斯特里特 (Mayor Andy Street) 说,现在伯明翰附加封锁限制“看起来很有可能性”。他还说,在过去几天里,伯明翰和索利赫尔 (Birmingham and Solihull) 的感染率有了“非常显著的增长”。

目前还没有作出任何决定,但安迪·斯特里特 (Mayor Andy Street) 表示,这似乎“非常集中于年轻群体”,而且很可能是“社交和家庭接触的结果”

  • 伯明翰市议会在推特 (Twitter) 上发布消息,欢迎大学生来到伯明翰的五所大学,但提醒学生们帮助保持伯明翰的安全。每个人都应尽自己的责任, 遵循新冠病疫情防控指引。
  • 议员伊恩·沃德 (Councillor Ian Ward) 说,到目前为止,已经有超过800个企业不遵守新冠病卫生指引的报告,伯明翰环境卫生和西米德兰兹警方已正在对此作出回应。


  • 英国公共卫生部发布了一个新的博客:新冠病病毒时代的心理健康和安康 – 跟踪影响

了解更多详情,请点击: 新冠病病毒心理健康和健康监测报告及其包含的数据

  • 「 Every Mind Matters 」发布了新的,实用的提示和建议,以帮助照顾儿童和年轻人的心理健康。

了解更多详情,请点击: Every Mind Matters