Thanks to National Lottery players, the National Lottery Community Fund has enabled us to expand CCC-B’s weekly Saturday Walking into a more relaxed, social and fun gathering. This year’s walking started in mid-April. Apart from the normal walk routes in Birmingham parks and green areas, a longer walking / day trip was added every month that CCC-B staff took the group to some heritage trails or places outside of Birmingham. Further, every three months participants were invited for a meal / buffet gathering. For some elderly participants, Saturday walking is now part of their regular routines which greatly improve their wellbeing both physically and mentally.
Some of our participant’s feedback
– I enjoy socialising with friends
– It’s good exercise; it keeps me fit and healthy
– I enjoy discovering new places, seeing different buildings and exploring different locations
Suggestions for future walking groups
– If there is any event happening at the moment, I would love to visit
– I would like to go to different places and see museums
感谢国家彩票广大彩民, 国家彩票社区基金使我们能进一步拓展周六的步行活动,使其成为一个轻松、愉快的社交聚会。今年的步行从4月中旬开始,除了在伯明翰公园和绿地正常的步行路线以外,中心会每个月增加一次远郊步行或一日游。中心员工会带大家到伯明翰以外的一些景点或城镇。此外,每三个月我们为大家安排一次聚餐。对经常参加步行的几位老人家,周六步行已成为他们日常活动的一部分,改善了他们的身心健康。