Welcome new arrivals from Hong Kong. Our new WhatsApp group has been created as
– a platform to bring together Hong Kong people who have recently settled in Birmingham/West Midlands
– a place to post useful and relevant information about public services, activities, etc
– a place to ask questions to help navigate systems
Please contact CCC-B Administrator Chloe Yip to apply to join the group – 0121 685 8510 / 07846885683
Email: service@chinesebirmingham.org.uk
Address: 99 Bradford St, Birmingham B12 0NS
最近從香港抵達伯明翰或認識有新來者嗎?伯明翰華人社區中心新創建了 WhatsApp 群組,为各位提供
- 一個匯集最近在伯明翰/西米德蘭茲定居的香港人的平台
- 一個發布有關公共服務、活動等有用和相關信息的地方
- 一個可以提問以幫助了解當地各種體系的地方
請聯繫CCC-B管理員Chloe Yip申請入群 – 0121 685 8510 / 07846885683
電子郵件: service@chinesebirmingham.org.uk
地址: 99 Bradford St, Birmingham B12 0NS