This Friday at Chinese Community Centre – Birmingham we will be having a special talk, UK Settlement Series: Know your Council. In the UK, your local council is responsible for planning and ensuring the delivery of local services. For example: schools, social care, housing, some welfare benefits, local roads and streetlighting. We are delighted to welcome Birmingham Councillor for Wylde Green Alex Yip, JP who will introduce the work of the council and his role as a councillor. You are cordially invited to join us to find out how the council works for the benefit of the community. To book, call 0121 685 8510


嘉賓講者:Councillor Alex Yip, JP



市議會是每個都市的市議會,也是我們經常直接或間接接觸的政府機關。它處理的事務與我們日常生活息息相關,地區教育,衛生,環境,治安,福利和都市規劃等都與它有關。這次講座我們很榮幸請來市議員 Alex Yip, JP 為大家介紹市議會的工作和他作為市議員的責任。歡迎大家踴躍出席,了解市議會的功能,共同參與建設美好的社區生活。有興趣出席的朋友請致電本中心報名,電話:0121 685 8510。