It was a great Dim Sum Sale last Tuesday! The rain and the change of location didn’t put people off. We had 22 different dishes altogether. A special thank you to Ms Au and also all of our volunteers who helped and made the Dim Sum Sale a success.
Thank you to all the people who turned up and helped us raise money for a new boiler, we have raised £1200!! Big thanks to all!

快報- 社區中心昨日點心義賣活動獲得極大成功!下雨天和地點的臨時改變絲毫沒有影響人們的興致;熱心的義工們烹製了共22款各式美味點心,捐助給義賣活動,短短一個小時一舉籌得1200鎊!伯明翰社區中心在此誠摯感謝辛苦製作點心的各位義工和熱心參與活動的社區人士,特別致謝歐太一力承擔多項工作,感激大家齊心協力給予中心慷慨支持!