I: Latest Covid update

In the past week a heavily mutated Covid variant has been identified, rapidly labelled a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization and named Omicron. Eleven cases of the Omicron variant have been found in the UK so far.

It is unclear how big a threat it poses. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said it could be the most infectious variant so far. What we know is Omicron has mutations that theoretically help it to spread more quickly and there is mounting evidence of that happening in South Africa. 

The Government’s response is to test everyone coming into the UK, isolate all Omicron contacts, ramp up boosting and bring back compulsory face masks in some public places.

The government has been focusing on the pressure on hospitals and pre-Omicron this would have been a key factor in whether to tighten restrictions or go for Plan B.

II.  The latest Government plan, rules and guidance   

The rules are being tightened up as part of the government’s “precautionary measures” against the Omicron variant of coronavirus. The changes won’t include hospitality settings. 

  • Everyone entering the UK will have to take a PCR test by the end of the second day after their arrival and self-isolate until they receive a negative result
  • All contacts of suspected Omicron cases must self-isolate, regardless of whether or not they are fully vaccinated
  • Face coverings will be made compulsory in shops and on public transport in England from Tuesday – but pubs and restaurants are exempt.
  • Pupils at secondary schools in England are being “strongly advised” to wear face coverings in communal areas from Monday
  • The Government is to consider rapidly extending boosters, including reducing the gap to 3 months between the second dose of the vaccine and the booster and extending boosters to the under-40s.


III. Vaccinations  

COVID-19 booster vaccine

Currently, people aged 40 to 49 can now get a booster vaccine 6 months after their second dose. Book your vaccination appointment online:


or find a walk-in clinic:


On Monday, The Government announced the minimum gap between the second vaccine dose and booster should be reduced from 6 to 3 months. The NHS is working on new plans to offer the booster jabs. 

COVID-19 vaccine 3rd dose for people with a severely weakened immune system

The 3rd dose is for people who had a severely weakened immune system when they received their 1st or 2nd dose. It is different from a booster dose.

You can use this service to book a 3rd dose of the vaccine if you’re 18 years old or over and you’re eligible for the 3rd dose for people with a severely weakened immune system.

If you’re eligible for a 3rd dose, you should have received a letter from a GP or hospital doctor, inviting you to book a 3rd dose. 

You must have a letter from your GP or hospital doctor. If you do not bring the letter, you will not be able to receive a 3rd dose of the vaccine at your appointment.

Flu Vaccines

Most people who can get a COVID-19 booster vaccine are also eligible for the annual flu vaccine. Those who are eligible for the free flu vaccine and a COVID-19 booster jab are urged to book their appointments as soon as possible. 

You can have the NHS flu vaccine at:

  • your GP surgery
  • a pharmacy offering the service
  • your midwifery service if you’re pregnant
  • a hospital appointment

IV. International travel

The UK’s travel red list and the quarantine have been reintroduced in England because of fears about Omicron. Ten southern African countries (South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini Angola, Namibia, Mozambique and Zambia) have been added to the UK’s travel red list.  Travellers from the red list countries will not be able to enter the UK unless they are UK or Irish nationals, or UK residents. 

Anyone arriving in the UK before 4am on 28 November, who’s been in one of the six countries in the last 10 days, must self-isolate at home for 10 days and take PCR tests on day two and day eight of their quarantine.

If you arrive after 4am on 28 November, you must book and stay in a managed quarantine hotel. Arrivals will then have to pay for and self-isolate in a government-approved hotel for 10 days.

Rates are:

  • 10 days (11-nights) for one adult – £2,285
  • Additional adult (or child over 11) – £1,430
  • Children aged five to 11 – £325





在过去的一周中,在一些国家发现了一种严重的新冠病毒变种,世界卫生组织将其并命名为 Omicron “奥密克戎”变异株,并迅速将此变异株列为重点关注的新冠变种。 目前,在英国已经发现了 11 例“奥密克戎”变异株病例。

目前尚不清楚新的变异株会造成多大的风险。 卫生部长萨吉德·贾维德(Sajid Javid)表示,它可能是迄今为止最具传染性的新冠变种。目前所知的是,“奥密克戎”变异株的突变在理论上会使新冠病毒更快地传播,而且越来越多的证据表明这种情况正在发生在南非。


政府一直在密切关注医院的状况,以及“奥密克戎”变异株可能带来的潜在风险,这两个因素将成为政府决定是否进一步升级防疫措施或执行新冠疫情B 计划的重要指标。

II. 最新的防疫规定,指引和政府的计划


• 进入英国的每位旅客都必须在抵达后的第二天进行 PCR 新冠核酸检测,并立即进行自我隔离,直至收到PCR核酸检测呈阴性的结果

• 疑似“奥密克戎”变异株病例的所有密切接触者都必须进行自我隔离,无论他们是否已经完全接种了新冠疫苗

• 从本周二开始,要求民众必须在所有英格兰的商店和公共交通工具上佩戴口罩——酒吧和餐馆除外。

• 政府“强烈建议”英格兰地区中学的学生从本周一开始在校内的公共区域佩戴口罩

• 政府正在考虑扩大新冠第三针加强免疫的接种人群,包括缩短第二剂疫苗与加强剂疫苗,所要求的时间间隔至3个月,以及将加强剂免疫的接种扩大到 40 岁以下的所有成人。

III. 疫苗接种


接种第二剂新冠疫苗超过 6 个月,40 至 49 岁的人士,现在可以预约接种新冠加强剂疫苗。在线预约链接:




周一,政府宣布第二次新冠疫苗接种和加强剂接种之间的最短间隔从 6 个月缩短至 3 个月。 NHS 正在筹备,准备近期实施新计划。

免疫系统严重缺失人士: 第三剂新冠疫苗


如果您年满 18 岁,并属于免疫系统严重缺失的人士,您有资格预约和接种第三剂新冠疫苗






您可以在以下地点接种 NHS 流感疫苗:

  • 您的家庭医生
  • 提供流感疫苗接种服务的药房
  • 如果您怀孕了,您的助产服务机构
  • 医院预约

IV. 国际旅行

由于对 Omicron“奥密克戎”变异株的担忧,英国政府重新推出旅行红色名单国家和入境隔离的防疫措施。十个南部非洲国家(南非,纳米比亚,津巴布韦,博茨瓦纳,莱索托,埃斯瓦蒂尼安哥拉,纳米比亚,莫桑比克和赞比亚)已被添加到英国的旅游红色名单国家。除英国,爱尔兰公民或英国居民以外,红色名单国家的旅客禁止入境英国。 

所有在 11 月 28 日凌晨 4 点之前抵达英国的旅客,如果在过去 10 天内曾在这些国家有过旅行史,则必须在家进行自我隔离 10 天,并在隔离的第二天和第八天进行 PCR 新冠核酸检测。

所有在 11 月 28 日凌晨 4 点之后抵达英国的旅客,则必须提前预订并在政府指定的酒店进行10天的隔离。旅客须自行支付酒店隔离的费用


• 一位成人 10 天(11 晚)- 2,285 英镑

• 一同隔离的其他成人(或 11 岁以上的儿童)- 1,430 英镑/人

• 一同隔离的5 至 11 岁的儿童 – 325 英镑/人


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