I. Key messages and update

England is moving to Plan B in response to the risks of the Omicorn Variant. Based on analysis of UK data by UK Health Security Agency, it shows:

  • Omicorn displays a reduction in immune protection against infection.
  • Omicorn can increase household transmission risk, increase secondary attack rate

New measures and tougher Covid restrictions will be introduced in Wales and Scotland from Boxing Day. In England, there will be no new measures for Christmas.


Self-isolation cut from 10 days to seven

People infected with Covid in England can stop self-isolating after seven days instead of 10 by providing negative lateral flow results on day six and day seven.

  • people should not end their isolation early if they are still experiencing symptoms
  • People who are not double-jabbed and come in close contact with a positive case must still isolate for a full 10 days.
  • Anyone ending isolation on day seven is strongly advised to limit contact with vulnerable people, not visit crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, and work from home in line with current guidance.

II. Current Covid rules

  • Wear a face covering in most indoor public places and on public transport
  • Get tested and self-isolate if required (including Daily Testing of Close Contacts *)
  • Work from Home if you can
  • Get vaccinated (including Boosters)
  • the NHS Covid Pass will be in required in certain places where large crowds gather
  • Let fresh air in if you meet indoors. Meeting outdoors is safer

Covid Pass

People need to a negative rapid test (LFD test) or proof of full vaccination via the NHS COVID-19 App to gain entry to:

  • All nightclubs
  • Indoors with 500+ people (e.g. music venues/ large receptions)
  • Unseated outdoors with 4,000+ people (e.g. outdoor festivals)
  • Anywhere with 10,000+ people (e.g. sports stadiums)

Face Coverings

Face coverings are compulsory in most indoor public venues other than hospitality venues

Face coverings are now required:

  • In most public indoor venues including theatres and cinemas unless you are eating, drinking (hospitality) or exercising (gyms)
  • On public transport and in places like shops and hairdressers

Face coverings are recommended:

  • In outside spaces that are crowded

III. Vaccination

Anyone who catches Covid-19 must wait 28 days before getting their next vaccination

NHS opens bookings for 12-15s to get second COVID jab


每月疫情更新: 20211224


I. 最新的疫情信息和政府指引

为了应对 Omicron “奥密克戎变异株迅速传播造成的风险,英格兰已进入防疫B 计划。根据英国卫生安全局对英国疫情数据的分析,显示:

  • 奥密克戎变异株,会显著降低人体被病毒感染的免疫保护效力
  • 奥密克戎变异株在家庭成员或同居所人士之间的传播力明显增强,人们二次感染新冠的风险也会增加



自我隔离从 10 天减少到 7

在英格兰地区,感染了新冠病毒需要自我隔离的人士,如在第 6 天和第 7 LFT新冠快速检测呈阴性,即可在 7 天后而不是 10 天后结束自我隔离。


没有接种两剂新冠疫苗的人士或属于新冠密切接触的人士仍须隔离满 10 天。

强烈建议在第 7 天结束自我隔离的人士,都应限制与易感人群的接触,不要去拥挤或通风不良的场所,并按照当前的新冠规定在家工作。


II. 当前的新冠防疫规定

  • 在大多数室内公共场所和公共交通工具上必须戴口罩
  • 及时做好检测和自我隔离(包括密切接触者的日常检测*
  • 如果可以,请在家工作
  • 接种疫苗(包括新冠第三剂加强针)
  • 在出入某些人群聚集的场所时,需要出示 NHS 新冠通行证
  • 如果您在室内与人会面,请打开窗户,可以让新鲜空气流通。 在户外会面,会更安全


人们在进入以下场所时,必须出示新冠快速检测阴性结果或在NHS 新冠应用程序上,完全接种疫苗的证明:


超过 500 人的室内场所(例如音乐场所/大型招待会)

超过 4,000 人参加(无座位)的户外活动(例如户外节日庆典)

任何超过 10,000 人以上的场所(例如体育场)






  • 在大多数公共室内场所包括剧院和电影院,除非您正在餐饮场所用餐或在健身场所健身
  • 所有公共交通工具上,以及其他公共场所比如商店和理发店


  • 在拥挤的室外空间


III. 新冠疫苗接种

已经感染新冠病毒的人士必须等待 28 天后才能接种下一剂量新冠疫苗

NHS 开放 12-15 岁青少年第二剂新冠疫苗接种的预订


No time to read Covid-19 Monthly Update ebooklet? We have it on audio to read out to you. In Mandarin 没有时间阅读电子月刊?我们用声音播放出来给您听。普通话。

No time to read Covid-19 Monthly Update ebooklet? We have it on audio to read out to you. In Cantonese 沒有時間閱讀電子月刊?我們用聲音播放出來給您聽。廣東話。