It’s the 25th birthday of the National Lottery. Thanks to the National Lottery players for the colossal contribution to charities and community like Chinese Community Centre-Birmingham (CCC-B)
CCC-B would like to offer National Lottery players who has purchased the lottery during the week of 23rd Nov -1st Dec can enjoy a half price discount of CCC-B’s well-being activities during the same week and a discount for members of our Christmas Luncheon on 3rd December. Please show the original lottery ticket for the well-being activities and the Christmas Luncheon booking. The deadline to purchase discounted Christmas Luncheon is 29th Nov. To find out more, please contact our coordinator William Chen or Chloe Yip on 0121 685 8510.
中心将为在11月23日至12月1日一周期间内购买国家彩票的玩家,提供同一周所有康乐活动的半价优惠,并且可以享受12月3日中心会友圣诞节午餐会的折扣票价。购票时请出示购买彩票的原始票据,圣诞节午餐会的购票截止日期是11月29日。欲了解更多信息,请致电中心0121 685 8510,联系人陈先生 William Chen 或叶姑娘Chloe Yip。