Spring Awakens! It’s a time to bask in the gentle breeze and enjoy flowers blossoming. Next week Tuesday 22nd March, our group will visit Sandwell Valley Country Park, one of the largest country parks in our area. We will walk round the park, visit Sandwell Park Farm and observe the variety of birds that inhabit the area.
Call 0121 685 8510 to register. We look forward to seeing you on the day.

春天的腳步聲已經來到門前,大家不妨走出家門沐浴著和煦春風的同時,迎接即將來到山花爛漫的時光。下週二我們將造訪伯明翰區域最大的郊野公園之一:Sandwell Valley Country Park,見證春天的到臨。我們會在園中漫步,探訪公園農場和觀賞棲息的美麗鳥兒。有興趣的朋友請致電本中心報名,電話 0121-685-8510,下週見!